Mixed Media Painting | French Roses

There are moments when I layer prose into my paintings. Amidst the layers of ephemera, inks, watercolors, and acrylics, I nestle words of encouragement, whispers of hope, and expressions of gratitude. I like the idea of hiding within each piece of art, a secret letter of love, that maybe some will see and others will feel. I scrawl my thoughts in French, since it’s considered the language of love and it’s appearance is beautiful.

“I am thankful for family who is generous with love and compassionate in heart. I am grateful for friends who are loyal, who forgive easily, and who never leave. I pray good blessing will fall upon all, gifts will emerge within, and love will embrace you in its wings.”

3 Comments on “Mixed Media Painting | French Roses

  1. The roses are beautiful, and the 3D texture adds a whole new depth to this painting!

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