Hope dwells in this gardenWhere all are welcomeAnd none are denied.Its inhabitants baskIn the wonder of every fulfilled hopeAs they remember from where they came. Their jubilant songs of gratitudeInfuse the...

Watercolor Painting | Purple Pansies May your roots sink deep Beside crystal streams. May your leaves climb high In sun-kissed bliss. May your blossoms spread wide Releasing sweetened breath And may...

The wind, the trees, All bend their knees As love flies next to me, Like lightest air It touches my hair And slowly wakens me. I sigh its name The soft...

You prepare a table Within this valley of beauty And my tears flow For I know I am in good hands You and me together. ~ Janna Vanderveen

When you speak, Wild things rise and shine, All a flutter, And my dreams flourish, Golden in light. ~ Janna Vanderveen

Golden light grows In this secret garden green, With verdant blossoming flowers Dripping lush nectar sweet. Tantalizing magic is its song. ~ Janna Vanderveen

When the rocks cry out And animals sing They boast of love And peaceful things. Each hallowed night With reverent tone They linger in the embrace Of their Holy Unknown. ~...

You flourish beneath my wings And your beauty shines. I call you my greatest treasure And I name you wonderful, For you are my beloved And your worth knows no bounds....

As I was placing the final details on this painting, I had tears leaking down my cheeks. I’d been listening to a song on repeat for several hours and its words...

When starlight dances, It bequeaths pure light, Empowering fireflies, And princesses alike. It whispers of magic, It resonates might, It sings in the darkness, And transforms the night. ~ Janna Vanderveen